MDRT Past President Mark Hanna once said, referring to the Million Dollar Round Table’s Leadership Committee, “Where else can you find free hands-on leadership training like this!”

I am most grateful to the Board of the Wealth Management Center for providing me with this opportunity to serve the industry and my colleagues. Your trust and confidence in my character and capability was what made me accept this challenge. It was an incomparable learning experience as we, in the Steering Committee, engaged in brainstorming discussions and slowly formed the structure for the homecoming event. Thank you for recognizing the effort of each of the members of the WMC Alumni Steering Committee.

To Len Laurence Tengkiat, Gaea Gaetos, Martin Cruz, Jay Tolentino, Venn Cacal, Nennette de Rosas, Celine Pelayo and Fe Ricaplaza, your passion and dedication were admirable. You were my backbone. It was an honour to serve the industry and a privilege to learn from this experience with all of you. We have broken barriers, achieved milestones and set a standard together as a team. This I will treasure for the rest of my life.

Today I hung up my coat and set aside my pins. But the work is far from over. I continue to serve my clients, my colleagues and the whole industry as a #proudWMCalumni.

  • Date: October 19, 2018